Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How brave I am

I did a zipline! I was so proud of myself. I was very nervous. It seems the older I get, the more afraid of heights I am. Even being on the chair lift was nerve-wracking. I couldn't make myself let go of the hand rail and get my camera out to prove how brave I was. With my feet planted firmly on the ground, I did get a couple of pictures of the starting platform.

The little girl (ok, I'm chicken, even a young girl can do this) in the picture went down the same time I did. See how she is up against that wall/door. Well, when that door opens, away you go. I got all strapped in and they said, "are you ready?", and I said, "Aren't there any instructions?", he said, "hold on to the black straps." And I said, "Are you going to count down, or warn us when we are going?" and he said "Well, are you ready?", and away we went. It was really scary coming out of that door, but super duper fun after the first shock was over.

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