Saturday, August 11, 2012

Cave Rock Formations

I want to show yall some rock formations. When I tried to post pics on the last post, it took forever, so I may not get to do them all. But there was some REALLY cool shit down there. There is not much variation of colors.

There was one stalagmite that is still "active". It grows so slowly, you wouldn't even notice it in your lifetime. There is probably more active ones, but only one that we were able to see.

Here is what the walkway looked like. I tried closing my eyes and touch both rails, just in case the electricity went out and I had to find my way in the dark. This cave is 2 million years old, so I wasn't too afraid of an earthquake, but........

Here is the link to the cave.

I am in Albuquerque, New Mexico today. I wanted to come here because John and I spent a lot of time here when we were trucking. It is beautiful! I spent the day at a park on the edge of the mountains. Not many people, and very quiet and relaxing. Temperature is about 100 degrees, but the shade was nice and there was a breeze. I'm heading to Sante Fe, New Mexico tomorrow.

Want to hear something fairly gross? I left on Wednesday, and it is now Saturday and I haven't taken a shower yet. I was going to two nights ago, but the campsite I was in had a bug problem! This is the same place where all the bats are "supposed" to eat the bugs. Well, the campsite bathroom had bugs everywhere. They were piled on each other in the sink. They were covering the roll of paper towels. I had to shake them off, just to get a towel to dry my hands. I was doing fairly well until one landed on my neck. Freak Out! No shower. No way, no how.

I changed the settings on the blog, so hopefully it is easier to post a comment now.


  1. I like the pictures, Suzy. And lots of people go on vacation without taking showers. Glad NM is beautiful with cool weather.

  2. Really good Suzy but I thought you might have included a picture of the bugs - just to prove you aren't exaggerating!
    Keep the posts coming.

  3. I wouldn't have had a shower either!! I'd have had what we call a 'dibble' - a very very quick wash of hands and face - and high-tailed it outa there!! Do you have the same way in the States of remembering which is a stalagmite and stalagtite!! The stalagtite is the one hanging from the roof, because you have to 'hold on tight'. Ramsbottom John
