Saturday, September 22, 2012

Painted Ladies

Everyone has heard of the "Painted Ladies" in San Francisco. We actually found them to be a little disappointing. They really were not anymore impressive than the rest of the houses we have seen. They definitely look better in the postcards. Having said that, it was worth going to because we got to get out the tourist section of SF and into where the "real" people live. And the houses were very pretty.

This brown house was around the corner, and I thought it was hideous. It looks like it could be the setting for a Stephen King novel.

We walked quite a bit yesterday. We went to a little neighborhood pizza place for lunch (which was delicious, the best food so far), then walked up the the Haight/Ashbury area. A few hippie stores, a lot of head shops, and cool graffiti.

I'm not sure I would want to live here. There is just so much movement and noise, hustle and bustle, sights and sounds, everything stimulates the senses. I would bet the residents have never experienced total darkness, or silence.

Well now, I just sound like one big Negative Nellie.

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