Thursday, September 13, 2012

Elk on the Beach

Let me just say, as beautiful as the west coast is, anywhere there is elk, it is too cold for me.

My plan was to stop in Seattle and see the sights, especially the fish market, (which I did), and explore the islands on the Puget Sound. Then mosey on up to Vancouver, Canada. But, when I have to sleep wearing two hoodies, using four blankets, plus two beach towels as cover, it is just far to cold for my liking. So, I got up in the morning, and drove for 10 hours south, 10 hours, south, looking for the sun. I left Seattle about 8:00 in the morning, and didn't see the sun until 4:30 that afternoon. Even then, the temperature was only in the 50's. I did however, follow my plan to go south on Hwy 101, better known as the Pacific Coast Highway, or the PCH.

Stunningly beautiful! (When it wasn't foggy, which it was the majority of the time, but anyway, enough bitching about the weather.)

I took this picture from the back of the truck. Lovely place to spend the evening, and the next morning at the marina watching everything I could possible see.


  1. Gorgeous, all of it. My favorites are the last two.

  2. Those are my favorite too. Sometimes I get lucky and take a good picture.

  3. Those are my favorite too. Sometimes I get lucky and take a good picture.

  4. Those are my favorite too. Sometimes I get lucky and take a good picture.

  5. Wow. I somehow published my comment three times.

  6. Hey - if you choose to go back up north my old friend from school lives on the Sunshine Coast outside of Vancouver and would love to see you. in fact it would be typical of me if you got there before I did!! Lots of love, Ruth x

    1. Ruth, thanks for the reference, but the only time I will ever be that far north again will be in June or July. Any other time is too cold for me. I'm a wimp!

  7. Hey Suzy, camping in the cold is good practice for when you come camping in the UK!

  8. Hopefully I will be a lot better prepared!
