Thursday, September 13, 2012

Gum Wall

Lately, I have not been very successful in finding the combination of internet and electricity, in order to blog, but, I am lucky today and have both.

I found this to be interesting, and smelly. You could actually smell the gum.

This is in Seattle, WA. And I did not have the foresight to bring any gum with me. I would definitely have added my DNA to the "art".


  1. Eurgh the gum wall is disgusting. It reminds me of underneath the desks at the school where I used to work!!

  2. I agree with Eileen, however, I would have added some, too, if I had been there. Maybe when I go to the fish market. Have to remember gum...

  3. I'd be amazed if my Mum didn't retch reading this. Hope you added to it (and didn't go back later to get it back..and get it mixed up with someone else's..urgh!)
