Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hermes Craftsmen

Our last day in San Francisco, we chose to go to Union Square and China Town. Jes had been saying that if we see the store Forever 21, she would like to go in. We come up from the underground train station, and boom, there is a TWO story Forever 21! So, that starts the day off right.

We were on the way to see a Frank Lloyd Wright building. Here is the link to the building, but I didn't take any pictures of it out of respect of the new owners. Just to say though, it was freaking amazing!


Anyway, on our way to the FLW building, we passed the actual Union Square (which seem to be a city block with no buildings, more like parks), and we saw this big white tent. It looked like a tent you see outdoors where really ritzy parties are going on. We could see the title "Festival Des Metiers", as well as the security dressed in black suits outside every opening. We figured it was probably some invitation only sort of event, but, decided to go check it out anyway. And guess what! It was open to the public and FREE!!!! The craftsmen were demonstrating their craft. The first "stall" we saw was a man hand sewing a leather purse. There was a watch maker, silk screen printer, glass etcher, etc. Some of them had interpreters because they only spoke French. They were not selling anything, and we couldn't afford it if they were, but it kind of made us realize why some things really are expensive and worth it.

This picture is of the carpet, on the floor of the tent.

Silk Scarves, and they were demonstrating the technique.

I was going to post more pictures, but this internet is going WAY TO SLOW!! Patience was a virtue of John's, not mine.

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