Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wild Horses

Last week we were in Sparks, NV on our way to deliver our load. We were on a four-lane divided road, and an oncoming truck motioned for us to slow down. Thinking it was a cop, we made sure we slowed down and had on our seat belts (which we always wear, by the way). We round a bend and there are two horses hanging out on the side of the street munching away on grass, not paying a bit of attention to the traffic around them. No fence, not two feet from the curb. Our delivery was on the next block, so I asked the guys in the guard shack if they were aware of the horses hanging out, thinking maybe the could call the owners. They said there is no one to call, the horses are WILD!!!!
The second picture was taken on the way up the mountain to Donner Summit. We cant figure out what happened to this section of land, wild fires, logging, or disease, but it looks scarred and painful.
Anyway, we made it to Donner Summit. It is about 40 miles of climbing, but it is so gorgeous, (despite the bit of scarred land). There is a rest area at the summit that has a 1/2 mile walking trail. We haven't had the time to take the walk, YET. We were heading east and there is road construction on the way down. Imagine that, 40 miles of down-hill with 30,000 pounds of wine (from the famous Napa Valley, California), and you also get to drive through road construction. If they would only throw in a couple of wild horses, we could have a grand old job. Some days are easier than others. Cant wait until winter, when we also get to deal with snow and ice, on top of wild horses, road construction, and all the other things truckers get to deal with.
The picture of the train track/water trellis is also interesting. It really looks like the wild, wild west. I LOVE NEVADA!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is fabulous Suzy! Keep on blogging. Have you sent it to Ivy and Julie and John? They will be really impressed!
