Monday, March 8, 2010

Tower of London

(I had to put the cheesy tourist pic in here)

The original part of the Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. 1078!!!!! I read all about it on Wikipedia and now I can't remember what it's original use was, but since 1303 it has housed the Crown Jewels. It has also been used as a prison and has been the scene of lots of famous executions.  It is considered the most haunted building(s) in England.  Queen Anne Boleyn, beheaded in 1536 for treason, has been seen at the chapel where she was buried, walking around carrying her head under her arm. The ghost of Henry VI and Lady Jane Grey have also been seen.  A guard (known as "Beefeaters") died of fright after seeing a ghost of a bear walking towards him. There is also 10 ravens kept at the Tower because legend has it that the Kingdom will fall if the ravens leave. Their wings are clipped so they can't fly away. During the bird flu scare a few years ago, the ravens were kept inside so they wouldnt catch it.

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